Deen Discoverers Box

7-8 years


*Average cost to keep 3 of 5 books in each box is $38.
Easy, free returns. Cancel Anytime.

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Inside the Deen Discoverers Box

Peek inside a sample box—your reader’s bundle will be personalized just for them.

 Five hand-picked books, including engaging activity books, chapters books, and easy reader books.

Stickers, frameable artwork, and surprise extras.


How it Works

Receive five books. Only buy the ones you love.


Better with Every Box

Free Unlimited Returns

Five Customized Picks

We would love to pass along titles your child has outgrown! Send any books our way using your Illuminate box and we will give them to kids in need.

Tell us about your reader & we’ll send curated book boxes that include a mix of Islamic and English books.

Book choices will improve and change month by month.

Keep the books they enjoy. Send back the books they don’t.